
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my bioinformatics class. In this semester, I will lead you (👦 👧) to explore the world of bioinformatics together. If you have any questions about this course, please don not hesitate to contact me. My email 📧 address is .

This course website was inspired by the Handbook for Teaching and Learning with Jupyter- a book written by and for educators who teach data science. It is a thoughtful and inspiring resource for all educators, with a focus on the Python ecosystem. We aimed to create a similar resource for educators working with the R and RStudio ecosystem.

On this course

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data, in particular when the data sets are large and complex. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, information engineering, mathematics and statistics to analyze and interpret the biological data.

Bioinformatics has been used for in silico analyses of biological queries using computational and statistical techniques.

For studying biological knowledge, we encourage members to communicate with each other. We highly respect the famous words said by Dr. Hwa A. Lim (林华安), the father of bioinformatics:

“如果你有10元,我有10元,你将你的10元给我,我将我的10元给你,我们每个人还是各有10元;如果你有一个主意,我有一个主意,你给我你的主意,我给你我的主意,我们每个人都将拥有两个主意。 主意除了可以相加,更可以无限度的倍增。.”


  • The ABC of biochemistry, Molecular biology and Genetics.

  • Programming languages, such as R, Python, C++ or others. In particular, we recommend R language, as well as Python language.

  • General Statistics or Biostatistics - we think this is very important in data analysis.

Implementation of course

Tasks and arrangements

Academic assessment

Features of the course

About the instructor

I am Bo Li, an assoc. Professor from College of Life Sciences2, Chongqing Normal University3, P. R. China.

What can you learn?

You can acquire at least one of the following skills through the study of this course:

Acquired some problem-solving skills via basically programming

How to apply statistics or mathematics to biology

Gene expression analysis, including DNA microarray and RNA-sequencing techniques.

Solving biological problems using a combination of dry and wet experiments.

Deeper understanding of the significance of interdisciplinary
